Alexander Bruccoleri, Ph.D.
Dr. Bruccoleri is the founder of Izentis LLC and the company’s engineering leader.
Dr. Bruccoleri is an expert in nanofabrication and has extensive experience in aerospace engineering. He conducted research on fabricating nanoscale gratings for x-ray spectroscopy as a Ph.D. student at MIT prior to starting Izentis. At MIT he also conducted research to investigate supersonic flow efficiency at low Reynolds numbers. Prior to MIT, Dr. Bruccoleri was an associate researcher at NASA Ames and conducted experiments on heat exchangers for beamed energy propulsion. He has hands-on experience in building aerospace hardware such as building composite components on the manned X-Racer rocket plane while at XCOR Aerospace.
Dr. Bruccoleri holds 2 U.S. patents and has authored/co-authored 32 scholarly articles. He holds a Ph.D. from the MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics department with his dissertation in the Space Nanotechnology Lab, an M.S. from MIT’s Space Propulsion Lab, a B.E. and B.A. in Engineering Sciences from Dartmouth College. He was a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate fellow while at MIT.
Anjelica Molnar-Fenton
Mechanical Engineer
Anjelica Molnar-Fenton is a mechanical engineer at Izentis LLC. She received a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Simmons University in 2017. At Simmons Anjelica minored in Chemistry and Computer Science. During her time at Simmons, she was an undergraduate researcher at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in the Focused Ultrasound (FUS) Laboratory. While at Brigham and Women’s she worked on detecting intracranial hemorrhaging with transcranial ultrasound under Dr. Phillip Jason White. Currently she is working on mirror bonding techniques for x-ray optics as well as development of critical-angle transmission (CAT) gratings.