
Izentis LLC would like to thank NASA, DARPA and the MTLS team for the pictures and video of the side-engaged rocket vehicle. The video was put together and edited by Thomas Lambot of Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley. The images and video were approved for public release by AFRL, NASA and DARPA April 2014.  DARPA Distribution Statement “A” (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited).

The front page CAD image of the test rocket was made by James Eilers of NASA Ames and the photo was taken by the NASA MTLS team. Both images are in the NASA NTRS paper approved for public release, distribution unlimited, April 2015.

The artisitic drawings of the millimeter-wave rockets were contributed by Dr. Kevin Parkin of Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley and taken from his presentation: “Development and Short-Range Testing of a 100 kW side-Illuminated Millimeter-Wave Thermal Rocket,” A. Bruccoleri, J. Eilers, T. Lambot, and K. Parkin, HPLA/BEP International High Power Laser Ablation and Beamed Energy Propulsion, Santa FE, NM, April 21-25, 2014.

The data on the CAT grating efficiency was provided by Dr. Ralf Heilmann of the MIT SNL and it was reproduced from his poster: “High-Efficiency Blazed Transmission Gratings for High-Resolution Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy,” R.K. Heilmann, A.R. Bruccoleri, and M.L. Schattenburg, 225th Meeting American Astronomical Society, Seattle, Washington, January 4-8, 2015.

The ultrasound images in vacuum bonder page were done by Sonoscan Inc.

The physics descriptions and drawings of the gratings were reproduced or modified from Dr. Bruccoleri’s dissertation on CAT gratings. “A. Bruccoleri, Ph.D. disseration, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2013).”

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